Hunyo 9, 2012

How to Delete/Deactivate My Facebook Account?

Maybe you are planning to deactivate your Facebook account, because you don't want someone to see your profiles anymore online, before you will going to delete or deactivate your profile in Facebook, make sure your important files such as photos and videos has been save in you personal computer for you cannot recover these files when your FB profiles has been deleted permanently.

There are at least 2 or 3 days warning before your account in Facebook will become deleted permanently especially when yo don't logged in anymore. Please be advised, that even you have deleted you FB profile, whenever someone is looking for your names using the search engines, your name will display and will still be in the search engine results page.

So before you delete your FB profile, change your name and other important information such as address and email address. To make these happen, follow these instructions:

- you have to log in Facebook
- change your name, your display name, profile name
- go to account settings

- in the account settings section, in the side bar, there is a security settings, notification settings, subscribers, application tab, mobile tab, payment settings, and Facebook ads settings

- go to "security setting"
- deactivate your account
- finished

 To go directly to FB security settings, just visit

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