Hunyo 11, 2012

How to Stay Beautiful Everyday?

how to stay beautiful
Photo Credit: Sudarshan Vijayaraghavan
There are men and women who wants to stay beautiful, they are doing everything just to stay young, healthy and beautiful everyday. If you want to live longer and healthier, some experts say, you must be free from stress, and you are just eating a healthy diet plus doing a regular exercise.

No exemptions to the rule, anyone who wants to become beautiful must take care of herself, might be her skin, face, hair and body figure. Aside from that, your emotions must always be well used intelligently.

Here are some of the best ways to stay beautiful everyday:

- do not expose to sun from 9 am to 4 pm
- take care of your skin, use lotion if necessary
- take vitamins for skin (vitamin E)
- eat healthy foods for skin (search for that, one vegetable I know is saluyot).

- take care of your eyes, use eyes cleaner (if necessary)
- wear sun glasses to protect your eyes from the sun (make sure your sun glasses has UV protection).
- don't exposed your eyes too long in front of the computer

- daily exercise, 30 minutes before or after work (example, running, jogging, dancing aerobics)
- eat only healthy foods, avoid sugar and fatty foods (watch for cholesterol)

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